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Arabic-English Gospel Tracts for Muslims

جميع مساحات باللغة الإنجليزية والعربية

All tracts are in English and Arabic

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The Way Out

Many people wish they could be better than they are, morally. Who is not glad that his thoughts, desires, motives, and many of his deeds, are secret? I address you as friends about a Problem we all have: the intent to do Good but the frequent tendency to do Wrong. We are all familiar it...

 Download The Way Out

Remembering Ramadan

True faith is not something you're born into. It's something you choose. That’s what I believe and that’s my story. So this year I thought Ramadan would be a good time to share it. In the mid 1990's Iraq was not the happiest or the healthiest place for a boy in his mid-teenage years. At that time Iraq was not heard about much in world news and one could still manage to live "normal" life by some standards. We did not have car bombs or militias. We did not have assassination groups and death squads. No IED's were set off in children’s schools or crowded bazaars...

Download Remembering Ramadan.pdf

Riches of the Bible

True faith is not something you're born into. It's something you choose. That’s what I believe and that’s my story. So this year I thought Ramadan would be a good time to share it. In the mid 1990's Iraq was not the happiest or the healthiest place for a boy in his mid-teenage years. At that time Iraq was not heard about much in world news and one could still manage to live "normal" life by some standards. We did not have car bombs or militias. We did not have assassination groups and death squads. No IED's were set off in children’s schools or crowded bazaars...

Download Riches of the Bible.pdf

Who is Blind?

This story of Jesus is directly from the Gospel of John chapter 5 and arranged as a play.

Blind gospel bartimaeusDownload

Christ's Call to Join A New Tribe

Family loyalty is prized above everything else by most Muslims...even more important than devotion to Islam itself. What Muslims often fail to recognize is that they are part of a tribe that is not original to their ancestors. According to Islamic history, when Muhammad spoke   to the various Arab tribes in the Arabian Peninsula, the command to Muslims was that obedience to God and His Apostle was more important than family and one’s own life. Muslims were commanded to reject their own flesh and blood if they were not believers: O believers, take not your fathers and brothers to be your friends, if they prefer unbelief to belief; whosoever of you takes them for friends, those -- they are the evildoers. (Sura 9:23)

Experience the Power of God

Mohammad’s face was unusually somber as I invited him in. He told me that his wife, Samiira, was very ill. He had taken her from doctor to doctor but none of them could diagnose her strange symptoms. I asked him, “What are you going to do now?”


God is Not Silent

Many people wish they could be better than they are, morally. Who is not glad that his thoughts, desires, motives, and many of his deeds, are secret? I address you as friends about a Problem we all have: the intent to do Good but the frequent tendency to do Wrong. We are all familiar it…

God Jesus is not silentDownload

Can We Know God?

There is a great barrier preventing imperfect, sinful, and finite humans from knowing a perfect, holy, and infinite Being! Am I therefore without hope to know my Creator because He is too powerful and transcendent? Must I be content to only know His commands without knowing Him? If my nature as a finite creature makes it impossible to know the Creator, why did God reveal through the Prophets that He created mankind to know, love and obey Him?

sin anthropology prophetsDownload

Passion of the Christ

Mel Gibson’s film, The Passion of the Christ, resurfaces several age-old questions: "Who killed Jesus the Messiah?” and “Why?” and "Was it really Jesus?" Could it be that some people are rethinking the answers or considering them openly for the first time? In this article we want to address these questions in reverse order.

Our Common Enemy

All of humanity has a common enemy. Terrorists and despots are its allies, but they too fall prey. It is a foe so merciless and global that no one escapes – none are spared – striking fear into the hearts of even the strongest and most secure. When a massive tsunami hit the nations surrounding the Indian Ocean, the enemy claimed the souls of well over 200,000 and brought despair to thousands more. It often operates like this – overtaking even “good” people and dragging them to their graves. It cares nothing of youth or wisdom, beauty or strength, wealth or success, nor kindness and love. The enemy does not discriminate. Many have set out to eliminate it, but all attempts have been futile. This enemy is death.

Satan enemy of manDownload

The Difference (1 of 2)

The article "The Difference Between Islam and Christianity" explains the view of God that is taught in the Bible. If we really think about God's own holy and righteous character and the righteousness He requires from us, we could easily lose all hope of ever entering into His presence. How could we ever be assured that we have become righteous in His sight?

Islam and ChristianityDownload

The Sacrifice (2 of 2)

As Abraham walked with his son to the mountain where he was to sacrifice him, Abraham’s son asked, “The fire and wood are here, but where is the lamb for the burnt offering?” Abraham replied, “God will provide Himself a lamb.” Christians believe this statement was prophetic and pointed to an event in which God would sacrifice a perfect lamb that would bring about reconciliation between sinful man and Himself. There are many prophecies recorded in the Old Testament that describe this event and what this “Lamb” would be like. 

The Sacrifice Abraham IsaacDownload

Meeting The Messiah

An Unlikely Challenger
I was born to Muslim parents who were dedicated to teaching their children to be proud of their Arabic and Islamic heritage. As a result, I immersed myself in the study of Islam from my early teen years to my late twenties. I became quite knowledgeable and devout, eventually becoming the one to whom friends and fam-ily came with questions concerning Islamic law, theol-ogy, history, and philosophy. One day while reading   my Qur’an, I came across a very familiar passage in   Al-Maidah 5:46-47. I had read this passage dozens of   times before. But the plain meaning of the passage struck me this time. 

meeting the messiahDownload

Why We Believe in the Cross

Many of my Muslim friends ask me why Christians believe in the cross. As I considered this, I thought of   six basic reasons:

By What Authority?

This story of Jesus is directly from the Gospel of John chapter 9, arranged as a play.  In it there was a man born blind whom Jesus healed on the sabbath day, of which the Pharisees did never approved.  As on many other occasions they questioned Jesus's authority to heal on the sabbath, and thus the title.

Fear Against Truth, part 1 (3-part series)

Do you care whether what you believe is really true? To some degree everyone does. In our everyday lives we rely on our confidence in what is “true.” When we drive over a bridge, for example, we want more than just a hope that the bridge will not fall, we want confidence that the bridge is strong. As humans we live life with a need for truth.

fear truth confidence faithDownload

The Weight of Evidence (part 2 of 3)

Nearly all Christian and non-Christian historians agree on four important things: 1) that Jesus died from cruci-fixion; 2) that Jesus’ followers believed he appeared to them alive after his death; 3) that some of his enemies became Christians because they saw the risen Jesus; and 4) that Jesus’ tomb was empty after his resurrec-tion. First, the famous non-Christian historian James Robinson said, “No serious historian thinks Jesus lived through the crucifixion.” Nor do they believe he was replaced by a look-alike. Such historians make their statements based on ancient sources that were against Christianity. Therefore, they weren’t likely to be lying about facts that support it. And many of these, such as Tacitus and Josephus, were alive in the early years of Christianity.

ancient sources historyDownload

Opinion or Truth (3 of 3)

Using the beauty test, some religious people claim the truth of their faith systems because of the “surpassing beauty” of their holy book. However, people with quite opposite beliefs make the same claim. Muslims, for example, say that the Qur’an is the word of God because it is so beautifully written and contains so much wisdom that it could not have been written by any mere human. But Hindus say the very same thing about one of their holy books, the Baghavad Gita. So Hindus and Muslims are applying the very same test to prove the truth of their respective beliefs. But these polytheistic and monotheistic conclusions exclude each other. Therefore the beauty test is not sufficient to prove truth.


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