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David Wood versus Shabir Ally: Debate

Jesus, Son of God or Prophet of Islam


What Every Muslim Needs to Know About How We Got the New Testament (Injeel), part 1

Has the Bible Been Corrupted Over Time?

What Every Muslim Needs to Know About How We Got the New Testament (Injeel), part 1

Muslims believe that the Bible has been corrupted and redacted by later editors. This claim is an old one and many scholars who have held this view have had to fall on their swords in the past. The fact is that modern scholarship can objectively demonstrate that:

  • We can be confident that the Greek New Testament has not changed from what was penned by the original authors.
  • We can be assured that the contemporaries of the original authors received the plurality of the New Testament as the inspired word of God.
  • History demonstrates that the earliest Christians held to exactly 4 gospels that we can identify as Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.
  • The process of canonization and the recognition of which books were inspired occurred extremely early.

What Every Muslim Needs to Know About How We Got the New Testament (Injeel), part 2

From the 4th Century to the King James Version to Modern English Translations

What Every Muslim Needs to Know About How We Got the New Testament (Injeel), part 2

Muslims are taught that the Bible has been corrupted. The King James Bible is often marched out as the origin of the corruption of the English Bibles that we have today. This article explains how the English Bibles we have today are not dependent on the King James Bible. In fact, they are translated from a very ancient source.

Legacy Seminar Series

Advance Ministries Seminar Series on E-pologetics (Evangelistic Apologetics)

  • 10/24/2015 1:00 PM - 5:00 PM
  • Author: Steve Schlichter
  • Number of views: 3713

1) Basics of Islam and The Life of Muhammed 101

2) Evangelizing Muslims:  Principles and Strategies

Includes the use of polemics, versatility, and multi-access networking

Presenters: Wissam Al-Aethawi, Jim Walker and Scott Cherry

Location: Dearborn Evangelical Covenant Church

18575 Outer Drive, Dearborn, MI 48128

Cost: Students $5, Non-Students $10
Call: 313-485-7153 or Email:

Advance Ministries is pleased to present seminar 9 of the 2015 seminar series on "E-pologetics". This is our own term for Evangelistic Apologetics with a relational aspect. These seminars are offered monthly in two categories: 1) "What's the Big Idea?" seminars focus on general apologetics and take place in the odd months through November 21; 2) "Legacy" seminars such as this one focus on Muslims and Islam in the even months through October. All seminars are on the third Saturday of every month from 1-5pm at different hosting churches, this month at Metro City Church. Each seminar features 2-4 presenters who are knowledgeable on their chosen subject and very good communicators—sometimes scholars, sometimes students, and sometimes ordinary Christians who are up for the challenge and deserve a platform. We believe apologetics are essential for evangelism, a confident faith and a robust Christian worldview. Please join us for this enriching seminar on Oct. 24, 1-5:00pm at Dearborn Covenant Church.

Earliest Manuscripts Lead Right to the Door of the Church Fathers

What Every Muslim Needs to Know About How We Got the New Testament (Injeel), part 3

The New Testament did not drop out of heaven. It was authored and published in the same manner as any other book. 2 Pet 1:21 describes how men were carried along by the Holy Spirit like a boat is carried along by the wind. They were not replaced by God but he managed the process. There is no angel whispering in a cave to one person in the Christian view of inspiration. We have multiple attestations with historical veracity of the public deeds and words of Jesus, his apostles, and their followers. We have overwhelming evidence that the 4 gospels, Acts, and 13 epistles of Paul were immediately received, copied and disseminated. This includes Greek copies as well as near immediate translations into other languages.


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