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How the Trial of Job Forms a Master Motif Akin to Other Great Life Motifs

So I've been writing a book on the prophet Job lately. I had a good day of writing today, and I feel pretty good about it. Here it is. 

The Book of Job has been enormously influential on our culture to this day. Its writing is like historical documentary in parts (1-2, 42) but vastly different in the rest which is poetry (3-41). In my analysis, there is a strong case for its historical veracity, and I believe it. But I don’t think that is its main intent, so I don’t think it matters much. It is non-essential. I think the main intent of Job is to teach us certain theological truths and to give us the “Job motif” which I will develop further in this chapter (12). As I have said, it is both a redeemer motif and a messiah motif. In the Tanakh this is a ‘meta-motif’, and it is one of the main purposes of all Hebrew scripture and the revelation it embodies to progressively develop this motif. In the early chapters of this book we talked a lot about the details of Job's story and his ordeal for which he is forever famous. I have talked extensively about specific ‘micro-motifs’ in the Book of Job. Now I want to talk about the Prophet Job himself and his story as Motif with a capital ‘M’—a ‘macro-motif’.  Message me if you're particularly interested.

  • 23 June 2021
  • Author: Scott Cherry
  • Number of views: 2812
  • Comments: 0

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Tao and Tawheed is dedicated to exploring the mysteries of faith, reason, and meaning. We aspire to provide articles and videos that stimulate the serious consideration of truth as seen through the lens of these and related ideas: logic, purpose, order, beauty, hope, love, morality, happiness, natural law, intelligibility, science, and divine revelation to expand the list. Our presupposition is that all these things exist and create the tapestry of reality. They are so fundamental they both govern and drive us whether we know it or not. And through the art of good thinking, metacognition and civil discussion they are discernible to us as the rational beings that we are. This is what makes humanness wonderful. To ask questions or start a conversation send email to

But why "Tao and Tawheed"? Because it's mysterious? Yes. But also because of what they mean to us. Tao is an eastern idea for which the religion of Taoism is named, although we are not Taoists. It refers to the comprehensive order and harmony of the universe despite things that seem chaotic. (In fact, we hold that there really is no chaos.) The late British philosopher C.S. Lewis used the notion of Tao to refer to natural law, or the moral order that permeates all cultures everywhere. Tawheed, or Tawhid, is Muslim concept that captures the idea of absolute unity. specifically the unity of God, or Allah. But we use it more broadly. To us it suggests that no matter how much diversity we see in the universe it is always still one. The opposite is also true, of course. Further, although we are not Muslims there is a powerful rational for monotheism that we embrace. Together we think they capture something profound: Faith, Reason and Meaning. 

But there is another word embedded in our emblem, do you see it? It's the Greek word "logos" from which the word logic derives. It is a very broad concept that by itself captures all the meaning of Tao and Tawheed together. Logos is a word that the ancient Greek philosophers used to refer to 'the logic of everything' or the 'order of all reality' consisting of both particulars and universals. Centuries later the New Testament writer John also used it in the very first sentence of his gospel. Without abandoning the earlier philosophers' notions, but with the claim of divine revelation, John appropriated 'logos', in word and principle, to Jesus the Messiah. This website recognizes and celebrates that. Therefore, our intent is to hold all ideas up to the light of the Logos personified.



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