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Day 12: Brothers Dwelling Together in Unity—The Way Through the Wilderness

A daily, 32-day Lenten Devotional Series by Rev. Dave Brown


First, Aaron established a family. It was an act of faith for a Hebrew man to marry, bear children and raise a family in Egypt. He was part of a slave class.  He had no rights, no guaranteed income, much less the promise of a life of safety for himself or for others who might sit around his tent in Goshen.   

In many nations birthrates are plummeting below zero population growth levels.  It’s too risky, too painful, and too distracting to bring children into the world. This was not the case with the Hebrews in Egypt. Parents took on the risk and grew their families.

At the outset of another time of Exile, the LORD urged his people to “take wives for your sons and give your daughters in marriage. Multiply there and do not decrease.” (Jeremiah 29:6) Aaron’s courage led to the establishment of the priestly line of the worshiping people of God that outlasted his life.  

Second., Aaron responded when God called him to come alongside his wavering brother, Moses. It is likely that Aaron and Moses had not had contact from the time Moses fled to Midian until the day the LORD asked him to be Moses’ mouthpiece. Should he trust this one-time murderer? Should he make common cause with someone whom the government has been searching for. Taking a risk with relationships doesn’t promote survival! But Aaron was willing, not only to listen, but also to support and accompany Moses as he carried the LORD’s mandate to Pharaoh.

Third, Aaron became the one who “proved” that the Lord was behind the liberation plan by working a miracle. At God’s command, Aaron cast down his staff before Pharaoh. It became a serpent.  When Pharaoh’s magicians duplicated his effort, Aaron’s serpent swallowed the magicians’ serpents/staffs. Aaron presented God’s claims to the tyrant. He would return many more times before the issue was settled.

Reflections: How have you prepared for the moment of God’s call on your life?

Have you stayed true to the LORD and raised a godly family?

Have you come alongside your brother no matter how risky that choice would be?

Have you demonstrated God’s sovereign plans to the authorities who neither know nor honor the Lord?

“Behold, how good and pleasant it is when brothers dwell in unity.”

  • 14 March 2024
  • Author: Guest Blogger
  • Number of views: 516
  • Comments: 0
Categories: TheologyCulture
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