Resurrection Sunday: A 31-day Lenten Devotional Series by Rev. Dave Brown
Exodus 19:9-15
From time to time, I have had the privilege of participating in an installation service for a new pastor in a church. It is a joyous but also a solemn occasion. In it, a charge is given to the pastor and another to the congregation. A biblically based message is given and then a prayer is offered in which the elders place hands on the new minister and pray over him. At the end of the service, the new pastor gives a blessing to the people he will lead.

A 31-day Lenten Devotional Series by Rev. Dave Brown
Exodus 19:1-8
Moses had a mountain top experience at Mt Horeb. There he met God at the burning bush. After hearing God speak, Moses reluctantly took on the huge challenge of delivering God’s people out of slavery in Egypt. Among the incentives that moved him forward, Moses was promised that he would meet God again on this mountain.

A 31-day Lenten Devotional Series by Rev. Dave Brown
Exodus 18:1-27
Edith Schaeffer’s What is a Family? is a classic presentation of the meaning of family. In her first chapter she describes a family as “the most versatile, ever-changing mobile that exists”. “It is a moving, changing collection of objects constantly in motion, yet within the framework of a form.” (p. 18) Moses too was part of an ever-changing family mobile. We are not told all the details, but we can at least reflect on some of the dynamics.
A 31-day Lenten Devotional Series by Rev. Dave Brown
Exodus 17:8-16
Do you remember your first battle? Who picked the fight? Who threw the first punch? Who won? After I was involved in an incident which included an unfortunate racial comment and response, I had to put up or shut up. So, we met outside of the school building after school and went at it. It was shortly after that seventh-grade tussle that I was introduced to wrestling in Phys Ed. That became a much more positive outlet for me, and lasted for more than ten years.

A 31-day Lenten Devotional Series by Rev. Dave Brown
Exodus 17:1-7
Stage three in the pilgrimage of the congregation of the people of Israel took them from the wilderness of Sin to a camp called Rephidim. The name of that destination sounded promising – Resting Place. But upon arrival, the people discovered there was no water to drink.