A daily, 32-day Lenten Devotional Series by Rev. Dave Brown
Exodus 1-20
It is the season of Lent for which the 40-year journey of the Israelites in the book of Exodus is a major theme. To follow God is the main message of Exodus, the 2nd book of Moses in the Torah in the Old Testament, or Tanakh, and of the whole Bible. ...The Book of Exodus has been called “the heart of the Old Testament”. Its message is fulfilled in the New Testament. It would be hard to find a single major topic of the Old or New Testament that is not exemplified in the book of Exodus. The Key to Exodus is in the name of the LORD, His supremacy and his saving action.” (Cole:18-19) Exodus looks back to promises made in the Patriarchal Age, looks forward to the arrival in the Promised Land and looks beyond to the final fulfillment of God’s promises in heaven. “When the song of the redeemed rises in heaven, it is the Song of Moses and the Lamb.” (Rev 15:3)