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A long overdue posting of Dr. Peter Payne's response to Ozair on this subject


Dear Ozair,

My name is Dr. Peter Payne. More than three years ago Scott Cherry passed along to me your paper on rape and pedophilia in the Bible. At that time I wrote this letter for you which I asked him to share with you. ...Did he? Either way, he has only now decided to post it here. In two or three parts I will respond to what you have said. What I had to say about point #1 below turned out to be long enough that I decided to send it by itself and send you my responses to the rest of your paper in a couple of subsequent emails. Since your paper focuses on the question of whether the Old Testament condones rape and pedophilia, I won’t respond here to why a good God would at times command the killing of everyone found in a town, and at times command command what initially may seem like genocide. (I could address that topic at another time.) Since early in your paper you raise the question of the character of God in the Old Testament, that is what I will address in this email. In a subsequent piece I will address texts you cite in support of your claim that the OT God condones rape and pedophilia. *All biblical quotations will be from the English Standard Version translation.

  • 12 July 2024
  • Author: Guest Blogger
  • Number of views: 2745
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By Roland Clarke

Most politicians in North America including educators, judiciary, media, as well as many businesses have bowed to pressure tactics from the LGBTQ lobby as noted in my previous article, "What does the rainbow signify?" Such capitulation is indicated by public displays of Pride logos and flags. More recently, however, there has been a growing push-back especially from Muslims and conservative Christians objecting to pro-LGBTQ inclusive sex education in schools which basically indoctrinates children, covertly or overtly. Shannon Douglas writes from a secular perspective for Woke Watch Canada on the Canadian Gender Wars. He reports on “the many…parent protests across the country...Thousands and thousands of them awakened to woke, keeping kids home from Pride Events.”  (Click on the title bar to open the full article.)
  • 16 August 2023
  • Author: Scott Cherry
  • Number of views: 989
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...Or all of the above?

Blameless and upright, a fearer of God
A man truly righteous, no pious façade

One about whom God was accustomed to boast
And so one whom Satan desired the most

One day the accuser came breathing out lies
"It's Your holy handouts, his faithfulness buys"

 In one desperate day his possessions were lost
 His children all killed in one raw holocaust

         – Michael Card, lyrics, Job Suite

*This piece corresponds to Chapter 2 in my latest book, The Reason of Job, with additional new material by Dr. C.J. Wiliams and James B. Jordan. Available on Wipf and Stock and Amazon

Job and his story are highly memorable, though perhaps they are being forgotten. We learn about Job in the Hebrew Tanakh, the Old Testament of the Bible, where there is a book by his name. It is mostly a long poem. I have been surprised by some Christians and Muslims who are more familiar with Job than I’d expected, and by others who said they know little to nothing about him. Part of my goal is to rectify that. But it’s also to begin developing his motif. What is a motif? ...Read on.&

  • 26 June 2023
  • Author: Scott Cherry
  • Number of views: 12635
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By Roland Clarke

This riveting and thought-provoking piece sheds fresh perspective on a Christian belief that has been fiercely opposed by Muslims for 1400 years. Like every good mystery, this story traces a series of clues spanning the entire Bible and concludes with 1 Timothy 3:16:

“Without question, this is the great mystery of our faith: Christ was revealed in a human body and vindicated by the Spirit. He was seen by angels and announced to the nations. He was believed in throughout the world and taken to heaven in glory.”
It's no secret that God loves every human being he created, so it shouldn't be surprising that he wants us to love him in return. What better way to encourage us to seek him than to reveal himself little by little so that we come to know him more and more. God said, “You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.” He uses prophecies and proverbs, parables and paradoxes, riddles and sayings of the wise to keep us engaged, intrigued and invested on the journey of discovering how magnificent and delightful he is. As it is written, “The one thing I ask of the Lord—the thing I seek most—is to live in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, delighting in the Lord’s perfections.” So then, “Let us press on to know him.”
  • 23 May 2023
  • Author: Scott Cherry
  • Number of views: 2232
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Wissam Al-Aethawi's Review of Scott Cherry's New Book, "The Reason of Job"

Get the book here: The Reason of Job on

قد تكون لغة الكتاب (نموذج المسيح) عسرة الهضم على المبتدئين, الا ان الكتاب يوفر كل المعلومات اللازمة لفهم اطروحته. يجادل المؤلف ان قصة ايوب هي نموذج المسيح, وان هذا النموذج يتكرر على طول الكتاب المقدس وعرضه. والنموذج هو نمط متكرر يمكن تمييزه مرئيا او سمعيا او خياليا. وايوب هو نموذج من نوع (النزول للصعود) لانه ينحدر الى وادي الياس ليخرج منه بافضل حال. يتولى سكوت مهمة طرح حجته في رحلة تاخذك للكتب السماوية والادب والثقافات المعاصرة ومحاوراته مع اصدقائه, والكتاب مساهمة ثرية للمكتبة المسيحية وقد يكون بركة شخصية للقارئ.

وسام العيثاوي, الخدمة العربية المسيحية

In his new book, The Reason of Job, Scott Cherry has assumed the monumental task of building his argument in a journey that takes the reader through scriptures, literature, pop culture as well as real-life conversations with his friends. This book is a rich contribution to the world library and can be a real blessing to the reader, Christian, Muslim, or other.


–Wissam Al-Aethawi, Arabic Christian Ministry, Dearborn, Michigan

Get the book here: The Reason of Job on


  • 9 January 2023
  • Author: Guest Blogger
  • Number of views: 4031
  • Comments: 0

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